About our company

I'll level with you. I was well into my adult years before I realized these personality quirks that I had dealt with my whole life were from ADHD. If you know someone with ADHD, their life is marked with fixating on one interest, chasing that interest until they've exhausted all the dopamine in that interest, and then abandoning it for a new one. 

You end up with someone who knows a little about everything and knows a lot about some things. And there's also stuff. So much stuff. Typically we don't go into a new interest with half of a heart. We go ALL in! If we get into fishing, we are going to get all the lures, poles, vests, waders, nets, boats, and gadgets that go along with that hobby until the dopamine trail runs out. Now we have a shed full of all of that stuff and it probably won't get used again. Much to the chagrin of our loved ones. 

I built this for my fellow neurodivergents. We have stacks of tools, equipment, machinery, and supplies for every interest under the sun. Most of the time, we are no longer using it. Most of the time there is another neurodivergent that is just discovering this interest and wondering "Could this be my thing? Is this what I was born to do? Only way I can find out is if I go all in and buy all the things!" 

Now we don't have to. What if we could rent everything for that interest and find out before we buy? If we discover that the new thing wasn't everything we thought it was going to be, no problem. Return the rental and move on to your next interest. If you find out you love this new passion -- many vendors have a purchase option. Buy everything that you are renting from the vendor and congratulations! You've got a new interest in your life that you love. Or you can go out and purchase your own gear and equipment for your new interest. 

Either way, you win. The vendor wins. Everybody is better off. That's what I wanted to develop here. That is my intent. That is my goal.